So, you’ve been riding a couple of years now, whats happened to you in this time:
- You’ve realized you need a bigger motorcycle
- You’ve bought a bigger motorcycle
- You’ve had a couple of close calls and scares
- You’ve dropped the motorcycle
- Nothing
- You don’t like riding
What’s your story for the first couple years of riding? It may be dramatic or undramatic to say the least. Whatever the case, you’ve chalked up some miles underneath your tires.
Things that are noticeable at this stage of your riding experience:
- You’ve ridden some other motorcycles
- You’ve tried to see how fast your motorcycle can go
- You’ve seen how far it can lean through a corner
- You’ve taken someone for a ride on the back of the bike
This is all good stuff as you are developing as a rider. It is also the time when you can push the envelope a little too far.
Pushing the envelope, especially in the case of young guys is a natural progression. If you’re a little more conservative you may be just taking it easy. Whatever the case there are things you need to be doing at this stage of your riding experience.
1. Ride your motorcycle with something in reserve
If you’re riding at full throttle all the time, knock the speed down, create yourself a safety margin. Don’t be in hurry to get somewhere, there is no point being dead on arrival.
The more you ride “hanging it out” all the time, the less margin there is for error.
2. Consider your passenger
If you’re a guy and you’re expecting the motorcycle to be a chick magnet, and the girls find out that you have only one speed (flat-out) and one wheel on the deck, it’s most likely the motorcycle will become a chick repellent.
The bottom line is the passenger wants the thrill of the ride on one hand and wants to know they will walk away safely. That person on the back is the only advertisement you’ve got going for you.
3. Keep varying the type of riding you’re doing
If you’re a road motorcyclist, then get out on the dirt, if you’re a dirt rider, get out on to the tarmac.
Break up your style of riding and where you ride, and build on your experience.
4. Keep up to date with the motorcycle market place
We strongly advocate reading motorcycle magazines and researching the Internet. It keeps you fresh in what’s happening in the motorcycle world. The girls and guys who put these magazines together, get paid to write about their full time occupation of testing and riding motorbikes – I think they’ve got a good idea of what they’re doing.
5. Mix with other motorcycle riders
Find some more experienced riders and riders of equal ability, and share in their experience. Speaking to some peers is a really great way of building on your experience. One great way of doing this by joining a motorcycle club.
If you trust them, get them to check out your riding, don’t be afraid to listen to their advice, it could save you time.
6. Go on a couple of day-riding adventures
Get the cob-webs out of your mind and spend a couple of days straight on the road or dirt track. It’s a bit of a ‘spiritual journey’ as it makes you focus solely on the art of riding.
Make sure you do it with people who are keen to do a similar thing. Ensure also that you set some ground rules before you go, e.g. how long, where to, which way, what speed, what to do if….
7. Get your backside track side
It’s time to get some more training. If you’re a road rider or a dirt rider, at this stage you need to do an advance rider training course through a riding school. An advanced rider course should give skills such as:
- Reviewing what you’ve learn t already
- What to do if… situations when they occur
- Improved braking techniques
- Improving your cornering skills
- Skills assessment
So, there you have it. Don’t get too confident riding at this stage, as it is all about building experience upon experience. As they say… riding is a journey, make it safe and you get to your destination.